Dark Matter

Shifting (2021)
100 x 120 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Tendency (2021)
100 x 120 cm
Acryl on Canvas
While many of my works deal with interaction or translation into the real, the Dark Matter series of works is a self-contained complex. Each work forms its own cosmos and is to be regarded as a self-sufficient system. This is also reflected in the forms of the bodies and their interaction with each other. The movements have become calmer, sometimes only a kink or a bend can be found. The background is black and thus radiates a certain emptiness, perhaps also calm. The works seem inhuman or downright hostile to life in their ecosystem. They cache between two-dimensionality and spatial depth. The human production process can only be found in a few places, otherwise the works are smooth and untouched. With this series, the aim was to push the question of painting in the digital age further and to see where this journey could go. Besides uniform bodies, there are also organic colour gradients that find their place in the works like a spatially limited primordial soup and cannot be controlled in their production, except for the choice of colour. These elements freeze the process of printing and make it visible. In this way, the works also carry something human, which, however, does not reveal itself to everyone.

Tendence (2021)
70 x 90 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Meeting Point (2021)
70 x 90 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Bending (2021)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Straight (2021)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas