Vector Painting / 2022

Nature Boy (2022)
100 x 120 cm
Acryl on Canvas

One Cigaret (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Three Cigarettes (2022)
80 x 100 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Two Cigarettes (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas
At the centre of my thinking for the Vector Series 2022 was the question of the relationship between painting and sculpture. Basically, the canvas works serve as sketches for sculptures that would not be realisable due to their statics or economic expense. The raw canvas forms a white cube in which the dynamic strokes find space. The individual structures of wood or marble also feed from this core theme. Materials with which a realisation would be possible. The structure of smoke or of a pool surface, on the other hand, distances itself again from a real reference. At this point in my production, the sketch became the final work, because it could only be realised in this form. Like many previous series, the works can be combined and invite the viewer to play with combinations in order to find new compositions again and again. This is a thoroughly curatorial act that the public is expected to accept and that certainly, due to my own curatorial activity, finds an important place especially in my most recent works. Regardless of the fact that the sketch became the final work, it would still be exciting to realise future designs in real form, so the three-dimensional realisation is to be set as a vision for the future.

Marble & Space (2022)
120 x 140 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Marbelless (2022)
80 x 100 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Fountain (2022)
80 x 100 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Woodcut I (2022)
80 x 100 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Smoke Study III (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Smoke Study II (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Smoke Study I (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Woodcut III (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Woodcut II (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas

Pool (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas
Stormy (2022)
50 x 70 cm
Acryl on Canvas